Our key principle is to use natural, sustainable and locally available materials and create individual and needs-based play solutions. This approach does not only ensure easy maintenance, but also helps children to re-connect with their natural surroundings. Hence the final users of the site, the children, will be consulted and engaged as much as possible, giving them a sense of ownership and fostering their creativity in creating their very own individual space to play.

Play Matters cares about the safety and well-being of all users of the playgrounds and follows the EN1176 European Safety Standards, since there are no safety standards for playgrounds in Ethiopia yet. 

We offer a comprehensive service, from assessment and design to construction and maintenance. A typical package would include:

1. Site visit and assessment

  • The number and age of children using the playground as well as specific limitation and challenges
  • Existing facilities and structures, such as walls, trees, soil type etc
  • Other use of the space (garden, sports etc)

2. Joint design

  • Creating ideas together with children and parents considering the above as well as specific interests of the children
  • Different materials are considered in the process, including wood, stone, and also water and sound or visual elements
  • Offering of different design options and joint decision on final product/layout

3. Construction

  • Preparation of soil/ground, including basic gardening work
  • Procurement of materials and equipment
  • On-site assembly; engagement of children in the process where possible

4. Maintenance

  • Training of basic maintenance and fixes for playgrounds within institutions (kindergarten, hotel, school)
  • Check-up visits to identify repair needs and free maintenance/repairs within first 12 months after completion
  • On-call service for any repair and maintenance needs

DISCLAIMER: Play Matter is not liable for any injuries resulting in the regular or irregular use of the play equipment. Failure of equipment is excluded from this clause.